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Module 4: Fundamentals of the Modern
Crisis Response System

Training Description

The purpose of this training module is to allow professional to identify organizational values and policies surrounding crisis response work; understand crisis response models; and ability to identify team roles and approaches to crisis resolution that upholds the values of person-centeredness, recovery-based, strengths-based, and voluntary care.

Learning Objectives

Participants will:

  • Learn the history and evolution of the crisis response system.
  • Understand the guiding values and principles of the modern crisis response system.
  • Be able to describe the understanding of different crisis events.
  • Gain the ability to apply trauma-informed lens to crisis situations.
  • Be able to describe the roles of team-based approaches to crisis resolution.
  • Be able to identify what the modern crisis response system is and is not.

Mode of Training Delivery

This training module is online via Zoom. Please go here for the Zoom links.

Who is required to complete this module?

Your are required to complete this module if you are:

  • Team Clinical Director/Supervisor
  • Direct Care Staff
  • MCO Call Center Staff


Please click ‘Start Module’ to access the PowerPoint for this training module and other training materials.