Prepare your agency for implementing EBPs.
We are dedicated to featuring Louisiana behavioral health expertise. Behavioral health leaders and trainers will be invited to design webinars, videos, and more to share with the Medicaid behavioral health community in Louisiana. There is so much local knowledge to share! If you are a leader in the field and have an idea for content, please let us know – we are always looking to collaborate!
Our goal is to support Medicaid behavioral health agencies in building skills relevant to the training, implementation, and sustainability of EBPs for children and families.
The Center for Evidence to Practice, in partnership with the Office of Behavioral Health, are promoting numerous EBPs for young children and their caregivers. It can be difficult to decide which EBP will be the best fit for the population you serve and your own practice style.
Our informational EBP webinars are designed with this challenge in mind. We hope you find them helpful in the decision making process.
Become a part of the network of the Louisiana Crisis Response System agencies.
With the launch of the Louisiana Crisis Response System, the Center for Evidence to Practice is accepting applications on an ongoing basis for agencies that want to participate in the Mental Health Crisis Response Training for select regions.
Check out our Mental Health Crisis Response Training Request for Application here. Applications are currently open on a rolling basis.
Please visit this webpage for updates on elective advanced training topics!
The Center for Evidence to Practice will be awarding CEU certificates for select E2P and MHCR modules that have been approved for Louisiana social workers and counselors. Certificates will be distributed through the E2P Learn platform or via email depending on the training following successful completion of a given training. The quantity of continuing education credits per course is listed in the course descriptions. Practitioners are also able to apply for CEUs on their own. If you are in need of training accommodations for accessibility, please contact us.